Lazy Tuesday
Well it's about 7pm on Tuesday and I am enjoying a nice cup of DECAF Earl Grey wondering how the day passed by so quickly. I have not left the house today, which has been wonderful. That's one good thing about my job, some days I can work from home and stay in my pajamas lol.
Well this is my second post and I am quite enjoying the sound of my thoughts rolling into the vast space called the internet. I need to figure out though how to do the pics and things, so I can be a cool blogger.

This is a picture of my children or my mother-in-law's grandbabies, which ever way you prefer :) I have figured out how to add pics into my daily writing sessions, but not for my profile pic, since it requires a URL addy. Anyways...
Since poetry seems to be the theme on my all my friend's blog sites, I am going to have to pull out some of mine. I am still trying to work on my book though. And when I say work on it, I mean thinking about it over and over again in my analytical head of mine. I have managed to write the preface about a year ago but since then I have been battling with the format in my head and can't decide how I want it to read. I actually discussed this dilemma with my hubby today, so maybe I am one step closer to getting it on a roll. Well I hope that everyone's Tuesday was as slow paced as mine and I wish all my friends out there one heck of a hump day.
Peace out!
Wooohooo go Sis! :) So that would make the pups my nieces? hehe About the profile pic....use this site. Just make a posting backdated, say March 19 or 20 (very first post) call it profile pics and put many as you want in there. Then click on the pic in the posting and there is your URL link. Just a little temporary solution. I have done it on mine (if you look back in May 2005) hehe ;)
I will try...
ummm, this is too funny. I don't know how to backdate either lol. When are you coming in next?
Now I have a profile pic, but its not over to the right....UGGH!
beautiful picture of the girls! Yea
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