A post for Gareth!
Well I have been busy but I will post a second for my pal Gareth!
Had a great weekend...pause...back to work...then off for the 4th! Went shopping with my sis on Saturday and had a great time. Then a party at my friend's house Monday night. Then a get together at a friend's house on Tuesday evening for the 4th.
Went back to work on Wednesday and today. Had to go back to the plastic surgeon today and get some more infection removed out of my eye that I had operated on JUNE 2ND! Man Alive!
Tomorrow I have another appointment with the dentist to have more work on my teeth, so yeah...
Here is a picture of my mother-in-law's cat Rue:
Peace Out!
HAHAHAHAHA DOHHHHHHH!!!! Me and my big mouth :p
Yeah I can see the likeness between Rue and Tina. Crappers I'm in so much trouble now! Open the door because I need to make a sudden dash for freedom :D
My cat looks WASTED!!!!!!!!!!!LOL What is wrong with Rubarb!!!!! LOL
Hahahah Mom said 'wasted' LOL He does look a lil drunk if ya didn't know he was rubbin his lil rubarb cheeks! ;)
Have great weekend Sis :)
Back at ya!
Nope - He defintely looks WASTED - see Tina he has that same look in his eyes that you do on a Saturday night at home with swimming - playing pool till all hours of the night and oh yes - "sipping"! Ahem...LOL
Hiya Jodi! I appreciate you takin the time to check out my blog. Love the lighthouse background on yours. Nice pic of Wendy's wasted kitty, btw. ;-) It's nice to have some blogger friends. I look forward to gettin to know you better! Hope you're having a great weekend! :-)
Nicky- thanks for dropping by! I will link your site to mine shortly.
Just what is Tina "Sippin?"
Nothing stronger than Ginger Ale I'm sure....
Rue is a beauty though.
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