Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And were back...

Have ya missed me??? Well I got back from my conference on Thursday and me and the hubby went out of town on Friday. Things have been really, really busy around here with catching up with work and the personal life.
I thought that I would take a second and let ya'll know that I am back for a couple of weeks and then I will be off again.
Hope everyone has been having a good couple of weeks. I will post more later.

Peace Out!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Just wanted to let all my blogger buddies know that I am leaving for a conference and will be gone several days. Don't think that I abandoned you!

Peace Out!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


In remembrance of all the victims, the victims' families; that are still living that day as it was today, the survivors, all Americans...


If you can't remember~ http://www.time.com/time/photoessays/shattered/


Monday, September 04, 2006

The neatest picture...

I thought this picture was so cool and decided to share it...

The camels are actually the small white slits you see and their shadows are the very noticable black camel silhouettes.

This picture was nominated for best photo for National Geographic. I hope everyone enjoys.

Peace Out!