Friday, March 31, 2006

Exhausted mentally and physically

Well it's technically Friday, but I am posting this for Thursday.
Today started off with a bang. Work was war- from the beginning to the late, late end. I have a lot of things bouncing around in my head right now, but one thing I know is life is short. I am not going to explain this message.
I am at a loss for words. Actually I am not at a loss, I have a lot of things I want or need to say, but they are mine, only for me. Take care of each other and love hard.
I will leave you with one of God's promises, which I do believe:

Peace out!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Twisted Tuesday

Today wasn't that bad of a day actually. I only had one appointment for the day and then I got my hair cut. I don't know what it is about going to the hairdresser, but I love it! It's that feeling of taking care of yourself, being pampered, and spending money all in one lol.
Anyways, it was a beautiful spring day here. It was quite warm. As spring usually goes, it is now raining and thundering- typical.
The rest of the week will be quite chaotic. I am trying to look forward to the weekend. On Saturday I am doing the MS Walk from 9am-2pm. The only thing I am not looking forward to is it being like almost 80 and raining on Saturday :(
Since my conch is talking about maybe coming in this weekend, my pic of the day will be in her honor:

Nah cubby!

Peace Out!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Typical Monday

Well it was a very long day and I am just getting ready to fix something to eat for dinner. I won't have much time to write this week because work is in overdrive and overtime. Man I am busy. I hope everyone's week goes well. I have to remind myself exactly the reason why I work and here it is:


OBXN over and out...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

It's Sunday, which means MONDAY is right around the corner!

Well what a weekend full of nothing. Getting ready to run to Lowe's with the hubby (if I can get him out of the bed) lol. I have alot of "work" things to do today. It's the price I pay for having a personal life during the week, I have to catch up on my progress notes on Sundays :(
Woke up this morning and some country critter had gotten into our trash. I am not looking forward to going across the whole yard picking up items I disposed of already for a reason!
I hope everyone had a spectacular weekend and enjoy some more pics of the girls!

Peace Out!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Lazy Saturday and I love it!

Well its a very dreary Saturday in terms of the weather. It's raining and cold here. I am so glad that I have nothing on my agenda today, the dayrunner is EMPTY!! I am going to use this time to refuel for the grueling week ahead. The end of the month is always rough because there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done. URGGH!
Right now I am listening to "Monster Ballads" the first one. That's right, Can you take me High Enough? To fly me over yesterday... I know all of you out there are singing it in your heads right now. I used to love those Damn Yankees lol. What's even funnier...My sister has the Monster Ballads Platinum album. It cracks me up, because those songs were the real thing when I was her age. I used to listen to all that stuff. You know what they say "history repeats itself!"
Let's see...what else can I say today. Well in the spirit of "rockin" with the 80's, here's a pic of me rockin it out:

Yeah, that's straight Conch style right there!

I shall leave you with a quote that sits on my desk and a good one to remember always:

"I shall pass this way but once, Therefore, any good That I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."

Peace out and keep on rockin' all you 80's kids!

Friday, March 24, 2006



Did I fail to mention that IT'S FRIDAY!!!
Ah man, I am so glad that this day has finally arrived.
Of course I had to work later than expected, but who cares now!

I have absolutely no plans this weekend and I am so excited about it. That's what happens when you get old kids lol.
You would think by my post that I was in a GRRREEAATT mood, but actually I am glum. Hopefully my mood will switch around here in the next few hours and I can wake up refreshed and ready to face the weekend :)

Peace Out!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Needing Friday Bad

Today was a long one. I am so exhausted from this week, it's pathetic. I am so looking forward to Friday at 6:30pm- that's quitting time for me this week. Anyways...what can I rant about today...I really started this blog thing at a bad time because I am not ticked off, as usual, about anything EXCEPT... My husband having to work some stupid shift for 3 weeks. It sucks BADLY!!! It wears on me and it wears on him. I guess millions of people do it everyday, but me and my husband actually like spending time with each other lol.
Here's a picture of the happy couple:

Peace Out!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Well today was a long day, but I am so glad this week is almost over. I am looking forward to having NO plans this weekend and spending a little boo-boo time with my hubby. Right now we are working opposite shifts, so we don't see each other at all during the week. I know, its sad, but try to keep together will ya :)
Not much to say today. Nothing really infuriated me today, nothing is really wrong, I am just incredibly tired and am welcoming falling asleep in front of the trance machine we call a T.V. Well the best of the best for all of ya out there in blogger land. I am signing off.

Short and Sweet- Peace Out!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Lazy Tuesday

Well it's about 7pm on Tuesday and I am enjoying a nice cup of DECAF Earl Grey wondering how the day passed by so quickly. I have not left the house today, which has been wonderful. That's one good thing about my job, some days I can work from home and stay in my pajamas lol.
Well this is my second post and I am quite enjoying the sound of my thoughts rolling into the vast space called the internet. I need to figure out though how to do the pics and things, so I can be a cool blogger.

This is a picture of my children or my mother-in-law's grandbabies, which ever way you prefer :) I have figured out how to add pics into my daily writing sessions, but not for my profile pic, since it requires a URL addy. Anyways...

Since poetry seems to be the theme on my all my friend's blog sites, I am going to have to pull out some of mine. I am still trying to work on my book though. And when I say work on it, I mean thinking about it over and over again in my analytical head of mine. I have managed to write the preface about a year ago but since then I have been battling with the format in my head and can't decide how I want it to read. I actually discussed this dilemma with my hubby today, so maybe I am one step closer to getting it on a roll. Well I hope that everyone's Tuesday was as slow paced as mine and I wish all my friends out there one heck of a hump day.

Peace out!

Okay, I did it. I collapsed under the pressure of my own mother-in-law having a blog site and finally created my own. I have no idea who would want to read about my simple day to day ramblings and rants, but I do enjoy reading others, so maybe this will be a sucess.
My subject for the day... I'm AWAKE!!! It's 2:59 am and I am still AWAKE!!! What is my problem??? Anyways, while the rest of the civilized people of this city are sleeping peacefully in their nice comfortable beds, dreaming of whatever it is they dream of, I am still trying to figure out how the rest of today is going to pan out for me. I guess that will be the subject of my next entry.

Sweet dreams and Peace out!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Profile Pics