Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bad blogger, bad, bad

Okay, I know that I have somewhat fallen into the black abyss of bloggers that don't update frequently enough, but as we all know, I have a lot on my plate right now~ lol.

Update on the kidney stone: THERE IS NO UPDATE NEEDED!!! I have not passed it yet and today I heard from it all day. Not an unbearable pain but an uncomfortable one nonetheless.

Update on the pregnancy: I thought that my "morning" sickness had passed since I had not heard from it for about a week and a half, but again I had been fooled. Saturday, a co-worker of mine got married and I thought I had just eaten something that didn't agree with me so after the reception we went to the dreaded grocery store and by the time we left there I was green.

And it hasn't ended since. Oh well, add it to the list of the many joys of pregnancy~ lol.


It's my Taylor!!!

Peace Out!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Urologist

So I had my Urologist appointment today. Before I tell this story I wonder what makes a person want to specialize in excretion of fluid from the human body? It's not that I think its gross or anything, I just wonder what makes someone make that decision.
Anyways, the jist of the appointment is that he can not do anything for me b/c I am with child. If the pain gets too intense then he can perform a major surgery and put a stent in, but he does not want to do that because often times people have more problems with the stents than with the actual stones themselves.
So his advice to me, that I paid for of course, was to continue to drink a lot of fluids and it will eventually come out. So there you have it...
The good thing about the visit though was I told him that in the past 36 hours I have had this urge to pee all the time and then I go and nothing or not a lot come out. He stated that the stone is close to the bladder if this is happening and its making the bladder confused and that is why I "feel" like I need to go alot. If it's near the bladder, according to the doc, it's close to coming out.
So keep those prayers a comin'!
Peace Out!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Out Damn Stone...

So yesterday I went to work all excited about the things I had to do that day. I had a couple new client meetings and so on. My first appointment was at 10am and he showed up at 10:05 am. I already had his file started so the intake begun immediately. I had maybe asked him a few questions when this pain gripped my right flank. I excused myself and went to the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs bathroom was being worked on (perfect timing).
I tried to use the lady's room but to no avail. I went back downstairs and thought that I would just need to suck it up and continue with my meeting. I managed to ask my client one more question before asking him to wait in the lobby. There was no one else in my office so I walked down to a neighboring office where I proceeded to ask for help and the rest is history. I was carried out in an ambulance to hospital where it was determined that I had a kidney stone.
Now I have had one other about 4 years ago but it was slightly different than this but needless to say the pain is still as intense as ever. The hospital staff, although nice, seemed a little malfunctioning. They blew 2 of my veins trying to start an IV and I am a huge needle phobe. They tried to put me on morhpine for the pain, which I would have been glad to have, but being pregnant I was astonished. They told me over and over that morphine doesn't cross the placenta and it was perfectly safe for the baby, but I have a hard time beleiveing this when I can't even have DAY-QUIL for crying out loud!
So I just gritted my teeth and went on. Now unlike my other kidney stone experience, I STILL HAVE NOT PASSED THIS ONE!!! That's right. I am a ticking time bomb. We came home from hospital yesterday and I had another episode, but still didn't pass it!
So I took the day off, in hopes that my body would cooperate, but so far no dice. The only good thing about yesterday was being able to see PEANUT again. They had to do an ultrasound of my kidneys, since X-Rays are out of the question, and the nurse was kind enough to take a sneak peek at PEANUT. There PEANUT was, just chillin', little heart going a mile a minute :)
Anyways, please pray that I pass this soon. Thanks all.

Look what we bought a few days ago!!! Isn't it the perfect and cutest thing!!!

Peace Out!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

As promised...

Introducing... PEANUT!!!
BTW~Misty, that good looking singer is George Strait!
Peace Out!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

First Doctor's Appointment Report...

Well Friday was our first baby doctor's appointment. We had our first ultrasound and got to see "Peanut" and hear the heartbeat. It was fascinating. I am going to try and scan the picture and put it on the blog, but I have been sick with some type of viral thing going around here since Friday and this is really the first time I have gotten out of the bed.

The doctor stated that everything looks great and the baby had a good heartbeat and according to the ultrasound our due date is AUGUST 11th!!!

Since Misty was talking about the outfits that we bought her little ones for Christmas, I thought I would post a picture of the Angel outfit. Too Cute!!!

Have a good week all!

Peace Out!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007


Peace Out!!!