Nursery progress...
Well the boys have been steadfast with working on the nursery. Right now half of the nursery is up and the other half is on its way. I have provided pictures of the progress thus far. Don't forget that the room will come out to the concrete, lol. Still it's not a big room but it is a perfect size for a Peanut :)
I would also like to extend a warm Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I am not a big fan of the commericalized holiday but I am only one person~lol.
Something new that I also wanted to start was something called "On the menu tonight." I don't know about everyone else but I get tired of having the same old dinner meals every week. I figured if we all shared what was "on the menus" at our houses, others; like myself :) could get some ideas for new dinners.
On the menu tonight: Lasagna, garlic bread, and a nice salad with Zesty Italian dressing
Peace Out!!!
Who is that good looking man sitting in your window?
Peanut's room is coming along nicely! Proud of you guys!
Love, Mama
Wow! I'm impressed - you guys are moving right along! Can't wait to see the finished project! Yea!!! by the way - we had Bratwurst with Bavarian Saurkraut - mixed beans with onion powder - chips and applesauce cups for dessert. and Yea I love this idea - i'm getting tired of the same old thing too! Tom's having a ribeye steak with green beans and baked potato, yeast roll and sald tonight! I'll be in Roanoke fending for myself in the vending machine probably because the ice storm will be here! LOL Incidently, I'm putting his dinner in the crock pot this morning and that work quite well! :)
Happy Valentines to you too
I had Tacos tonight and they were good!
WOW - You guy's are really making a move on that Nursery!
I too am not a great fan of V-D! (don't really make a big fuss).
BUT.............HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU AND YOURS!!!!! Mmmmmmm, I think I will be over in a wizz, dinner sounds great!!!!
Take Care!!!!
Ok, I think I am a bit late for dinner - Any leftovers?????????
Sawwweeeet :)
Guess what?!
I'm coming home this weekend :D
aaawwww- that is so cool! way back when i had visions of one day having another baby and beng able to decorate a nursery for the little munchkin. since that dream is long ago no more, i will enjoy this experience vicariously through you!
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