Nursery 2
Hey guys! This is Tina (aunt-to-be) posting. I was home for Mother's Day weekend and got to see everyone and the progress of the nursery. It is just about done and oh so cute! The theme: Tortoise and the Hare, a childhood story that a lot of us are familiar with! So, in the following pictures I will take you through the story of the book and the nursery :)

The starting line for the race of the Tortoise and the Hare as you enter the nursery....

As we walk around the room....we see that the hare is out in front....

Aha - now the hare has fallen fast asleep....

The tortoise keeps moving along...

Finish line! Tortoise wins!!
The Tortoise and the Hare are all over the nursery walls from left to right and around the window. It's so cute! I couldn't have been more creative myself. The construction of the room is done of course as well as the painting and wiring. I'm so proud of my brother for all the construction work he has done on the nursery. Mom-to-be is quite busy and preparing for her baby shower for later next month. She asked me to say hi to everyone and thank you for your comments!

My brother spotted this rainbow across the field from Mom's house and I was so lucky to capture this picture of the rainbow and the two lovies underneath it in the mist of the passing rain. Love you guys :)
Good job on the nursery B! I'm wondering when the tortoise will stop for some lettuce :P
Did you see me jumping up and down on top of the 'bow, lol.
p.s. this comment was posted by Tina.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Well I just figured she was everywhere else :D
Wow! Nicely Done Tina and Yes Gareth - we did look for you but figured you took the pot of gold and swam back across the seas! :)
Why would I need to swim when I have my teleportation device strapped to my wrist??? :D
hope you guys are having fun at the beach - you deserve it :) see you soon lovies! xoxo
What a wonderful post Tina!!! Thanks for this. We had a great time at the beach and are now home relaxing from our vacation. Happy Memorial Day all!!! Be safe and remember "Click it or Ticket."
woohoo! thank you for the update- i am so glad things are going so well and i love the nursery theme!
Helloooooooo - Just checking in??? When is da baby coming or has he/she arrived yet??????????? Very very intrigued to hear what is up!!
Hope you are all well anyway!!!!
Take Care
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