Baby Shower
Hi All - this is Tina again - Jodi's sister-in-law. Just wanted to keep you up-to-date on Jodi's progress and say thanks for reading and the well-wishes! Jodi had her baby shower back on June 23. They are so blessed to have received so many wonderful things for the baby! I hope I am just as ready and prepared when my time comes to have a lil peanut just as Billy and Jodi are ;)
Jodi is due around August 11, but it could be any day soon! I'll be running off to join them when the big day comes, but I will be sure to write a brief post here for her so that you guys know when little Sammie graces us with his presence :)
Here are some pics from the baby shower:

Jodi at the baby shower

Baby gifts!

Crib full of baby clothes and necessities for little Samuel - this crib actually soothes by vibrating!
I'll keep you posted! Jodi says hello!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee NaNa can't wait!
aaaaaaaaaaawwww thats so cool!!! i'm so glad all is still well!
Cant wait - hey but it is the 14th today - has little samuel joined us yet? Cant wait to hear!!!!!
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