Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Yay, it's the weekend!
Well we are still doing some odds and ends around the house this weekend, but nothing compared to last weekend. I think that is why I had such a hard time this week. Since I literally had no break last weekend, it wrecked me for the week.
Me and my mom went Thanksgiving shopping today and got all the fixins'. I am so excited about hosting Thanksgiving this year!!!
My eye is healing up nicely and so far, so good.
Not much else is going on here.
Has anyone else that has Blogger updated their stuff with that new Google/Blogger update? I am just afraid that it might change my blog addy and wanted to know if anyone else had done it.
Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Peace Out!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, Monday...
Well the remodel of the bathroom is finally finished! It looks fantastic! I am so excited. There is so much room in there now, thanks to my trusty hubby. It has a cool beach theme going on with lots of real seashells found by none other than myself and hubby on our many trips to the BEACH!
I know that Gareth requested pics but I don't have the time or the energy to do that right now but will do it later.
Speaking of being exhausted...Monday truly started off with a bang because I had to get up at 4:30am for work today! UGHHH... and somehow I am listening to the sounds of my husband snoring while I am cooking dinner...I don't know how that is fair~lol.
In other news I am so excited about hosting my first THANKSGIVING!!! I am doing all the cooking (except the turkey, because that is my husband's speciality) and am having our whole family over to enjoy. I am so excited about it I can barely type~LMAO!
Have a good week all!
Peace Out!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all those who fought and those who continue to fight for my freedom. Your sacrifice does not go unnoted. May God Bless YOU!

To be a veteran one must know and determine one's price for freedom.
Peace Out!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Well as you can see it's pretty early in the morning. I awoke at 2:45 am and have not been able to get back to sleep. So I cleared somethings off of the Tivo, made breakfast for me and the hubby, organized some files for work, loaded some (15) closed files into my car to bring to the office, and now I am updating my blog~whew!
Don't know what's up. I haven't been sleeping well and when I do get to sleep, it's hard to stay that way.
Hubby finished the first part of the remodel to the bathroom. That included a new pedestal sink, a new medicine cabinet, and a really sophisticated set of vanity lights~ YAY! Lookin' good. Now we have a new floor to put down, a new toliet, a new bathtub, and paint left to do. Also he is making a "linen" closet for the bathroom as well~ We are on our way~lol.
My surgery went well for all those that were wondering. It did not hurt as much and the recovery this time seems easier. I took it like a champ!
On another note I would ask everyone to remember me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. Not something I want to talk about but we are going through a rough time right now and would appreciate it.
Peace Out!
P.S. Tina~ You are not very observant! I did make the change :)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
First, we hired a housekeeper and I could not be more exstatic!!!! Man alive I can't beleive that I can come home to a clean house and I didn't have to clean. Now normally I know that those with housekeepers are usually rich, but we are not. But anyone who knows me, knows for sure TIME is not something that I have. I found this GREAT Christian owned company to do it and they are FANTASTIC!
I have been bouncing this idea around for awhile but could not budget the "initial cleaning." This company does not charge extra for the initial!!!! Are you as excited as I am~lol. I am thrilled. It's a blessing.
Secondly, I have to have another surgery on Friday. For those of you that remember back in June I had to have a cyst removed from over my eye. Well guess what?!?! IT STILL HAS NOT HEALED!!!
This will be my 4th time back and second surgery. This one will be worse because now they have to cut through all the scar tissue and go way deeper to the "seed" of the cyst that was apparently missed the first miserable time. I apologize for the graphic nature here. Anyways, keep me in your prayers and thoughts on Friday if you can.
Here is a pic from the last surgery if you are interested:
It's a little blurry I know, but you get the idea.
Peace Out!
P.S. Thanks Tina for the lesson~lol!